The Waikato Anchor Ceremony
On 20/11
On 20/11
In the year 2011
@20.11hrs an historic event took place in Tutukaka
Sunset at 20.11hrs we gathered to welcome the second anchor to the foreshore of Tutukaka, opposite her counterpart of the ex HMNZS Tui.
11 years since we brought the Waikato down to final resting place, 11 years ago the anchor was dropped for the last time!
A few months ago the anchor was lifted from the sea to commemorate the sinking of the ex HMNZS a decade earlier.
Whilst we managed to get the anchor of the ex HMNZS Tui out in time for her 10 year celebration, the Waikato’s anchor proved to be more elusive! So not in time for the 10 year celebration, but in time for another audacious date! (20/11 2011,20.11)
With the help of tech divers , the RNZ Navy, Tutukaka Coast promotion volunteers and Total Marine we finally priced her of the seafloor a few months ago.
After hours of grinding and polishing she was lifted in place, welded up and got her coats of Penatrol, which will keep her looked tanned without oxidizing away.
Looking back a decade ago the world was a different place, and so was Tutukaka.
The vision of these projects to create the “Dive Capital” of NZ paid off, but since that time other communities got into the sinking act as well. The frigate “Wellington” went to Wellington, the “Canterbury” was about to go alongside the Waikato (“brothers in arms”), however government interference saw her placed in the Bay of Islands.
I wonder if in the future there will be more ships made available for conversion to artificial reefs, unless a “Rena” takes place, it will be unlikely.
The cost of the Waikato project was close to $800,000.00 without financial assistance from Government.
In Australia all costs are met by the government, making the difficult project a lot easier!
If you ever managed to dive any of our Tutukaka wreck you no doubt will be impressed. The committee that got the project underway had to sign a personal guarantee to a loan of $50,000 from WDC, this was covering a shortfall due to thefts of a lot of the metal that was taken off the ship to pay the bills….
A few years ago we managed to pay the debt of……whilst it was a pain, this downside has always paled into insignificance compared with the excitement of sinking a ship with a team of friends: Sonny Wellington, Peter Vink, Malcolm Pullman, Andy Britton and Jeroen Jongejans will forever carry a big smile of their face when they think back….the risks were great, however the rewards and exciting memories are even bigger!
There is nothing more motivating in life when someone tells you it can’t be done…..we never took NO for an answer!